
Parish Council > Councillors
Town and parish councils were established by Act of Parliament in 1894. The first formal meeting of Willoughby Parish Council was on 14 February 1895. Our role is to represent the interests of local people and improve the quality of life and the local environment.
Our responsibilities include monitoring and following up on issues related to highways, street lighting, community safety, housing, the playing field, the village pond, the allotments, litter, benches and shelters, public rights of way (footpaths and bridleways) and commenting on planning applications in the parish.
Each year we raise money for the services we provide through the ‘precept’, which forms a small percentage of the council tax levied by Rugby Borough Council.
The latest minutes of Parish Council meetings are here.

Neighbourhood Plan Review
Flood Action Group - Liaison
Rod Honess
07780 958080 / 01788 890652
The Stables, Manor Farm Barns
Willoughby, CV23 8BY
Management of Outdoor Areas including
Playing Field - Inspections and Maintenance
Trees and Hedges
Footpaths and Bridleways
Allotments - Liaison
Maggie Beech (Chair)
07855 325314
The Leys, Woolscott Road
Willoughby, CV23 8DA
Rugby Borough Council
Councillor Dale Keeling
07895 360442
8 Warren Close
Ryton on Dunsmore
Rugby Borough Council
Town Hall, Evreux Way,
Rugby, CV21 2RR
01788 533533
Street Lighting
Play Rangers
Telephone Box Exchange Library - Liaison
County Council
Councillor Dale Keeling
07895 360442
8 Warren Close
Ryton on Dunsmore
Warwickshire County Council
Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RL www.warwickshire.gov.uk
Stuart Sheppard
01788 890399
The Parlour, Manor Farm Barns
Willoughby, CV23 8BY
Highways - Reporting and Liaison
Police - Liaison
Benches and Bus Shelters - Inspection and Maintenance
Parish Clerk
UK Parliament
The village is based in the Kenilworth and Southam constituency.
MP - Sir Jeremy Wright
01926 853650
Jubilee House,
Smalley Place,
Kenilworth, CV8 1QG
Joanne (Jo) Jarman
07809 197817
33 Macbeth Close
Rugby, CV22 6LP